Quote from The Hours

To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face and to know it for what it is.

At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away.

—-Virginia Woolf

For self-motivation









1 综述

(1) 什么是特征选择

特征选择 ( Feature Selection )也称特征子集选择( Feature Subset Selection , FSS ) ,或属性选择( Attribute Selection ) ,是指从全部特征中选取一个特征子集,使构造出来的模型更好。


(2) 为什么要做特征选择


  • 特征个数越多,分析特征、训练模型所需的时间就越长。
  • 特征个数越多,容易引起“维度灾难”,模型也会越复杂,其推广能力会下降。


特征选择能剔除不相关(irrelevant)或亢余(redundant )的特征,从而达到减少特征个数,提高模型精确度,减少运行时间的目的。另一方面,选取出真正相关的特征简化了模型,使研究人员易于理解数据产生的过程。


 2 特征选择过程


2.1 特征选择的一般过程





  (1) 产生过程( Generation Procedure )



  (2) 评价函数( Evaluation Function )     



  (3) 停止准则( Stopping Criterion )



  (4) 验证过程( Validation Procedure )



图1. 特征选择的过程 ( M. Dash and H. Liu 1997 )

2.2 产生过程

产生过程是搜索特征子空间的过程。搜索的算法分为完全搜索(Complete),启发式搜索(Heuristic),随机搜索(Random) 3大类,如图2所示。





图2. 产生过程算法分类 ( M. Dash and H. Liu 1997 )






  (1) 广度优先搜索( Breadth First Search )





  (2)分支限界搜索( Branch and Bound )




  (3) 定向搜索 (Beam Search )




  (4) 最优优先搜索 ( Best First Search )





2.2.2 启发式搜索


  (1)序列前向选择( SFS , Sequential Forward Selection )


  算法描述:特征子集X从空集开始,每次选择一个特征x加入特征子集X,使得特征函数J( X)最优。简单说就是,每次都选择一个使得评价函数的取值达到最优的特征加入,其实就是一种简单的贪心算法。




  (2)序列后向选择( SBS , Sequential Backward Selection )









  (3) 双向搜索( BDS , Bidirectional Search )




  双向搜索的出发点是  。如下图所示,O点代表搜索起点,A点代表搜索目标。灰色的圆代表单向搜索可能的搜索范围,绿色的2个圆表示某次双向搜索的搜索范围,容易证明绿色的面积必定要比灰色的要小。


图2. 双向搜索



  (4) LR选择算法 ( LRS , Plus-L Minus-R Selection )


      <1> 算法从空集开始,每轮先加入L个特征,然后从中去除R个特征,使得评价函数值最优。( L > R )

    <2> 算法从全集开始,每轮先去除R个特征,然后加入L个特征,使得评价函数值最优。( L < R )

  算法评价:增L去R选择算法结合了序列前向选择与序列后向选择思想, L与R的选择是算法的关键。

  (5) 序列浮动选择( Sequential Floating Selection )



    <1>序列浮动前向选择( SFFS , Sequential Floating Forward Selection )


    <2>序列浮动后向选择( SFBS , Sequential Floating Backward Selection )



  (6) 决策树( Decision Tree Method , DTM)


2.2.3 随机算法

  (1) 随机产生序列选择算法(RGSS, Random Generation plus Sequential Selection)



  (2) 模拟退火算法( SA, Simulated Annealing )

    模拟退火算法可参考 大白话解析模拟退火算法 。



  (3) 遗传算法( GA,  Genetic Algorithms )

    遗传算法可参考 遗传算法入门 。




2.3 评价函数


评价函数根据其工作原理,主要分为筛选器(Filter)、封装器( Wrapper )两大类。






图3. Filter原理(Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna 2008 )





图4. Wrapper原理 (Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna 2008 )






  (1) 相关性( Correlation)


可以使用线性相关系数(correlation coefficient) 来衡量向量之间线性相关度。



  ( 2) 距离 (Distance Metrics )





  (3) 信息增益( Information Gain )

假设存在离散变量Y,Y中的取值包括{y1,y2,….,ym} ,yi出现的概率为Pi。则Y的信息熵定义为:




         在附加条件另一个变量X,而且知道X=xi后,Y的条件信息熵(Conditional Entropy)表示为:




类似的,分类标记C的信息熵H( C )可表示为:


将特征Fj用于分类后的分类C的条件信息熵H( C | Fj )表示为:


选用特征Fj前后的C的信息熵的变化成为C的信息增益(Information Gain),用表示,公式为:




假设存在特征子集A和特征子集B,分类变量为C,若IG( C|A ) > IG( C|B ) ,则认为选用特征子集A的分类结果比B好,因此倾向于选用特征子集A。




  (4)一致性( Consistency )

若样本1与样本2属于不同的分类,但在特征A、 B上的取值完全一样,那么特征子集{A,B}不应该选作最终的特征集。



  (5)分类器错误率 (Classifier error rate )







[1] M. Dash, H. Liu, Feature Selection for Classification. In:Intelligent Data Analysis 1 (1997) 131–156.


[2]Lei Yu,Huan Liu, Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data:A Fast Correlation-Based Filter Solution


[3] Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, Introduction to Pattern Analysis ( LECTURE 11: Sequential Feature Selection )





在做分类时常常需要估算不同样本之间的相似性度量(Similarity Measurement),这时通常采用的方法就是计算样本间的“距离”(Distance)。采用什么样的方法计算距离是很讲究,甚至关系到分类的正确与否。




1. 欧氏距离

2. 曼哈顿距离

3. 切比雪夫距离

4. 闵可夫斯基距离

5. 标准化欧氏距离

6. 马氏距离

7. 夹角余弦

8. 汉明距离

9. 杰卡德距离 & 杰卡德相似系数

10. 相关系数 & 相关距离

11. 信息熵


1. 欧氏距离(Euclidean Distance)




(3)两个n维向量a(x11,x12,…,x1n)与 b(x21,x22,…,x2n)间的欧氏距离:





X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2]

D = pdist(X,’euclidean’)


D =

1.0000    2.0000    2.2361



2. 曼哈顿距离(Manhattan Distance)

从名字就可以猜出这种距离的计算方法了。想象你在曼哈顿要从一个十字路口开车到另外一个十字路口,驾驶距离是两点间的直线距离吗?显然不是,除非你能穿越大楼。实际驾驶距离就是这个“曼哈顿距离”。而这也是曼哈顿距离名称的来源, 曼哈顿距离也称为城市街区距离(City Block distance)


(2)两个n维向量a(x11,x12,…,x1n)与 b(x21,x22,…,x2n)间的曼哈顿距离

(3) Matlab计算曼哈顿距离


X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2]

D = pdist(X, ‘cityblock’)


D =

1     2     3


3. 切比雪夫距离 ( Chebyshev Distance )

国际象棋玩过么?国王走一步能够移动到相邻的8个方格中的任意一个。那么国王从格子(x1,y1)走到格子(x2,y2)最少需要多少步?自己走走试试。你会发现最少步数总是max( | x2-x1 | , | y2-y1 | ) 步 。有一种类似的一种距离度量方法叫切比雪夫距离。


(2)两个n维向量a(x11,x12,…,x1n)与 b(x21,x22,…,x2n)间的切比雪夫距离





X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2]

D = pdist(X, ‘chebychev’)


D =

1     2     2



4. 闵可夫斯基距离(Minkowski Distance)


(1) 闵氏距离的定义

两个n维变量a(x11,x12,…,x1n)与 b(x21,x22,…,x2n)间的闵可夫斯基距离定义为:












X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2]

D = pdist(X,’minkowski’,2)


D =

1.0000    2.0000    2.2361



5. 标准化欧氏距离 (Standardized Euclidean distance )


标准化欧氏距离是针对简单欧氏距离的缺点而作的一种改进方案。标准欧氏距离的思路:既然数据各维分量的分布不一样,好吧!那我先将各个分量都“标准化”到均值、方差相等吧。均值和方差标准化到多少呢?这里先复习点统计学知识吧,假设样本集X的均值(mean)为m,标准差(standard deviation)为s,那么X的“标准化变量”表示为:


标准化后的值 =  ( 标准化前的值  - 分量的均值 ) /分量的标准差

经过简单的推导就可以得到两个n维向量a(x11,x12,…,x1n)与 b(x21,x22,…,x2n)间的标准化欧氏距离的公式:

如果将方差的倒数看成是一个权重,这个公式可以看成是一种加权欧氏距离(Weighted Euclidean distance)


例子:计算向量(0,0)、(1,0)、(0,2)两两间的标准化欧氏距离 (假设两个分量的标准差分别为0.5和1)

X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2]

D = pdist(X, ‘seuclidean’,[0.5,1])


D =

2.0000    2.0000    2.8284


6. 马氏距离(Mahalanobis Distance)









(3) Matlab计算(1 2),( 1 3),( 2 2),( 3 1)两两之间的马氏距离

X = [1 2; 1 3; 2 2; 3 1]

Y = pdist(X,’mahalanobis’)


Y =

2.3452    2.0000    2.3452    1.2247    2.4495    1.2247



7. 夹角余弦(Cosine)



(2) 两个n维样本点a(x11,x12,…,x1n)和b(x21,x22,…,x2n)的夹角余弦






例子:计算(1,0)、( 1,1.732)、( -1,0)两两间的夹角余弦

X = [1 0 ; 1 1.732 ; -1 0]

D = 1- pdist(X, ‘cosine’)  % Matlab中的pdist(X, ‘cosine’)得到的是1减夹角余弦的值


D =

0.5000   -1.0000   -0.5000



8. 汉明距离(Hamming distance)







X = [0 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 2];

D = PDIST(X, ‘hamming’)


D =

0.5000    0.5000    1.0000



9. 杰卡德相似系数(Jaccard similarity coefficient)

(1) 杰卡德相似系数



(2) 杰卡德距离

与杰卡德相似系数相反的概念是杰卡德距离(Jaccard distance)。杰卡德距离可用如下公式表示:


(3) 杰卡德相似系数与杰卡德距离的应用



p :样本A与B都是1的维度的个数

q :样本A是1,样本B是0的维度的个数

r :样本A是0,样本B是1的维度的个数

s :样本A与B都是0的维度的个数





(4)Matlab 计算杰卡德距离



X = [1 1 0; 1 -1 0; -1 1 0]

D = pdist( X , ‘jaccard’)


D =

0.5000    0.5000    1.0000



10. 相关系数 ( Correlation coefficient )与相关距离(Correlation distance)

(1) 相关系数的定义



(3)Matlab计算(1, 2 ,3 ,4 )与( 3 ,8 ,7 ,6 )之间的相关系数与相关距离

X = [1 2 3 4 ; 3 8 7 6]

C = corrcoef( X’ )   %将返回相关系数矩阵

D = pdist( X , ‘correlation’)


C =

1.0000    0.4781

0.4781    1.0000

D =




11. 信息熵(Information Entropy)

信息熵并不属于一种相似性度量。那为什么放在这篇文章中啊?这个。。。我也不知道。 (╯▽╰)









[1]吴军. 数学之美 系列 12 – 余弦定理和新闻的分类.


[2] Wikipedia. Jaccard index.


[3] Wikipedia. Hamming distance


[4] 求马氏距离(Mahalanobis distance )matlab版


[5] Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient


Excerpt from unfinished Reading List (The universe-unsolved!)

Excerpt — Chapter 7: Are we living in a programmed reality

Four major categories of evidence:

1. Quantization

2. The improbability of the world timeline

3. The tuning of our reality

4. Anomalous occurrences

IF…By Rudyard Kipling

IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
‘ Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

Paper Tigers

Paper Tigers.

Forward from nymag.com.




1. 线程基础

1.1. 线程状态



1.2. 线程同步(锁)





1.3. 线程通信(条件变量)

然而还有另外一种尴尬的情况:列表并不是一开始就有的;而是通过线程”create”创建的。如果”set”或者”print” 在”create”还没有运行的时候就访问列表,将会出现一个异常。使用锁可以解决这个问题,但是”set”和”print”将需要一个无限循环——他们不知道”create”什么时候会运行,让”create”在运行后通知”set”和”print”显然是一个更好的解决方案。于是,引入了条件变量。

条件变量允许线程比如”set”和”print”在条件不满足的时候(列表为None时)等待,等到条件满足的时候(列表已经创建)发出一个通知,告诉”set” 和”print”条件已经有了,你们该起床干活了;然后”set”和”print”才继续运行。




1.4. 线程运行和阻塞的状态转换




tips: 如果能理解这些内容,接下来的主题将是非常轻松的;并且,这些内容在大部分流行的编程语言里都是一样的。(意思就是非看懂不可 >_< 嫌作者水平低找别人的教程也要看懂)

2. thread


01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import thread
03 import time
05 # 一个用于在线程中执行的函数
06 def func():
07     for in range(5):
08         print 'func'
09         time.sleep(1)
11     # 结束当前线程
12     # 这个方法与thread.exit_thread()等价
13     thread.exit() # 当func返回时,线程同样会结束
15 # 启动一个线程,线程立即开始运行
16 # 这个方法与thread.start_new_thread()等价
17 # 第一个参数是方法,第二个参数是方法的参数
18 thread.start_new(func, ()) # 方法没有参数时需要传入空tuple
20 # 创建一个锁(LockType,不能直接实例化)
21 # 这个方法与thread.allocate_lock()等价
22 lock = thread.allocate()
24 # 判断锁是锁定状态还是释放状态
25 print lock.locked()
27 # 锁通常用于控制对共享资源的访问
28 count = 0
30 # 获得锁,成功获得锁定后返回True
31 # 可选的timeout参数不填时将一直阻塞直到获得锁定
32 # 否则超时后将返回False
33 if lock.acquire():
34     count += 1
36     # 释放锁
37     lock.release()
39 # thread模块提供的线程都将在主线程结束后同时结束
40 time.sleep(6)

thread 模块提供的其他方法:
thread.interrupt_main(): 在其他线程中终止主线程。
thread.get_ident(): 获得一个代表当前线程的魔法数字,常用于从一个字典中获得线程相关的数据。这个数字本身没有任何含义,并且当线程结束后会被新线程复用。

thread还提供了一个ThreadLocal类用于管理线程相关的数据,名为 thread._local,threading中引用了这个类。


3. threading

threading基于Java的线程模型设计。锁(Lock)和条件变量(Condition)在Java中是对象的基本行为(每一个对象都自带了锁和条件变量),而在Python中则是独立的对象。Python Thread提供了Java Thread的行为的子集;没有优先级、线程组,线程也不能被停止、暂停、恢复、中断。Java Thread中的部分被Python实现了的静态方法在threading中以模块方法的形式提供。

threading 模块提供的常用方法:
threading.currentThread(): 返回当前的线程变量。
threading.enumerate(): 返回一个包含正在运行的线程的list。正在运行指线程启动后、结束前,不包括启动前和终止后的线程。
threading.activeCount(): 返回正在运行的线程数量,与len(threading.enumerate())有相同的结果。

Thread, Lock, Rlock, Condition, [Bounded]Semaphore, Event, Timer, local.

3.1. Thread


01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
04 # 方法1:将要执行的方法作为参数传给Thread的构造方法
05 def func():
06     print 'func() passed to Thread'
08 = threading.Thread(target=func)
09 t.start()
11 # 方法2:从Thread继承,并重写run()
12 class MyThread(threading.Thread):
13     def run(self):
14         print 'MyThread extended from Thread'
16 = MyThread()
17 t.start()

Thread(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={})
group: 线程组,目前还没有实现,库引用中提示必须是None;
target: 要执行的方法;
name: 线程名;
args/kwargs: 要传入方法的参数。

isAlive(): 返回线程是否在运行。正在运行指启动后、终止前。
get/setName(name): 获取/设置线程名。
is/setDaemon(bool): 获取/设置是否守护线程。初始值从创建该线程的线程继承。当没有非守护线程仍在运行时,程序将终止。
start(): 启动线程。
join([timeout]): 阻塞当前上下文环境的线程,直到调用此方法的线程终止或到达指定的timeout(可选参数)。


01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 def context(tJoin):
06     print 'in threadContext.'
07     tJoin.start()
09     # 将阻塞tContext直到threadJoin终止。
10     tJoin.join()
12     # tJoin终止后继续执行。
13     print 'out threadContext.'
15 def join():
16     print 'in threadJoin.'
17     time.sleep(1)
18     print 'out threadJoin.'
20 tJoin = threading.Thread(target=join)
21 tContext = threading.Thread(target=context, args=(tJoin,))
23 tContext.start()


in threadContext.
in threadJoin.
out threadJoin.
out threadContext.

3.2. Lock




acquire([timeout]): 使线程进入同步阻塞状态,尝试获得锁定。
release(): 释放锁。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。

01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 data = 0
06 lock = threading.Lock()
08 def func():
09     global data
10     print '%s acquire lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
12     # 调用acquire([timeout])时,线程将一直阻塞,
13     # 直到获得锁定或者直到timeout秒后(timeout参数可选)。
14     # 返回是否获得锁。
15     if lock.acquire():
16         print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName()
17         data += 1
18         time.sleep(2)
19         print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
21         # 调用release()将释放锁。
22         lock.release()
24 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)
25 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func)
26 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func)
27 t1.start()
28 t2.start()
29 t3.start()

3.3. RLock


可以认为RLock包含一个锁定池和一个初始值为0的计数器,每次成功调用 acquire()/release(),计数器将+1/-1,为0时锁处于未锁定状态。


acquire([timeout])/release(): 跟Lock差不多。

01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 rlock = threading.RLock()
07 def func():
08     # 第一次请求锁定
09     print '%s acquire lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
10     if rlock.acquire():
11         print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName()
12         time.sleep(2)
14         # 第二次请求锁定
15         print '%s acquire lock again...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
16         if rlock.acquire():
17             print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName()
18             time.sleep(2)
20         # 第一次释放锁
21         print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
22         rlock.release()
23         time.sleep(2)
25         # 第二次释放锁
26         print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
27         rlock.release()
29 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)
30 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func)
31 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func)
32 t1.start()
33 t2.start()
34 t3.start()

3.4. Condition




acquire([timeout])/release(): 调用关联的锁的相应方法。
wait([timeout]): 调用这个方法将使线程进入Condition的等待池等待通知,并释放锁。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notify(): 调用这个方法将从等待池挑选一个线程并通知,收到通知的线程将自动调用acquire()尝试获得锁定(进入锁定池);其他线程仍然在等待池中。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notifyAll(): 调用这个方法将通知等待池中所有的线程,这些线程都将进入锁定池尝试获得锁定。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。


01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 # 商品
06 product = None
07 # 条件变量
08 con = threading.Condition()
10 # 生产者方法
11 def produce():
12     global product
14     if con.acquire():
15         while True:
16             if product is None:
17                 print 'produce...'
18                 product = 'anything'
20                 # 通知消费者,商品已经生产
21                 con.notify()
23             # 等待通知
24             con.wait()
25             time.sleep(2)
27 # 消费者方法
28 def consume():
29     global product
31     if con.acquire():
32         while True:
33             if product is not None:
34                 print 'consume...'
35                 product = None
37                 # 通知生产者,商品已经没了
38                 con.notify()
40             # 等待通知
41             con.wait()
42             time.sleep(2)
44 t1 = threading.Thread(target=produce)
45 t2 = threading.Thread(target=consume)
46 t2.start()
47 t1.start()

3.5. Semaphore/BoundedSemaphore

Semaphore(信号量)是计算机科学史上最古老的同步指令之一。Semaphore管理一个内置的计数器,每当调用acquire()时-1,调用release() 时+1。计数器不能小于0;当计数器为0时,acquire()将阻塞线程至同步锁定状态,直到其他线程调用release()。


BoundedSemaphore 与Semaphore的唯一区别在于前者将在调用release()时检查计数器的值是否超过了计数器的初始值,如果超过了将抛出一个异常。

Semaphore(value=1): value是计数器的初始值。

acquire([timeout]): 请求Semaphore。如果计数器为0,将阻塞线程至同步阻塞状态;否则将计数器-1并立即返回。
release(): 释放Semaphore,将计数器+1,如果使用BoundedSemaphore,还将进行释放次数检查。release()方法不检查线程是否已获得 Semaphore。

01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 # 计数器初值为2
06 semaphore = threading.Semaphore(2)
08 def func():
10     # 请求Semaphore,成功后计数器-1;计数器为0时阻塞
11     print '%s acquire semaphore...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
12     if semaphore.acquire():
14         print '%s get semaphore' % threading.currentThread().getName()
15         time.sleep(4)
17         # 释放Semaphore,计数器+1
18         print '%s release semaphore' % threading.currentThread().getName()
19         semaphore.release()
21 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)
22 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func)
23 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func)
24 t4 = threading.Thread(target=func)
25 t1.start()
26 t2.start()
27 t3.start()
28 t4.start()
30 time.sleep(2)
32 # 没有获得semaphore的主线程也可以调用release
33 # 若使用BoundedSemaphore,t4释放semaphore时将抛出异常
34 print 'MainThread release semaphore without acquire'
35 semaphore.release()

3.6. Event

Event(事件)是最简单的线程通信机制之一:一个线程通知事件,其他线程等待事件。Event内置了一个初始为False的标志,当调用set()时设为True,调用clear()时重置为 False。wait()将阻塞线程至等待阻塞状态。

Event其实就是一个简化版的 Condition。Event没有锁,无法使线程进入同步阻塞状态。


isSet(): 当内置标志为True时返回True。
set(): 将标志设为True,并通知所有处于等待阻塞状态的线程恢复运行状态。
clear(): 将标志设为False。
wait([timeout]): 如果标志为True将立即返回,否则阻塞线程至等待阻塞状态,等待其他线程调用set()。

01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
03 import time
05 event = threading.Event()
07 def func():
08     # 等待事件,进入等待阻塞状态
09     print '%s wait for event...' % threading.currentThread().getName()
10     event.wait()
12     # 收到事件后进入运行状态
13     print '%s recv event.' % threading.currentThread().getName()
15 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)
16 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func)
17 t1.start()
18 t2.start()
20 time.sleep(2)
22 # 发送事件通知
23 print 'MainThread set event.'
24 event.set()

3.7. Timer


Timer(interval, function, args=[], kwargs={})
interval: 指定的时间
function: 要执行的方法
args/kwargs: 方法的参数


1 # encoding: UTF-8
2 import threading
4 def func():
5     print 'hello timer!'
7 timer = threading.Timer(5, func)
8 timer.start()

3.8. local

local是一个小写字母开头的类,用于管理 thread-local(线程局部的)数据。对于同一个local,线程无法访问其他线程设置的属性;线程设置的属性不会被其他线程设置的同名属性替换。

可以把local看成是一个“线程-属性字典”的字典,local封装了从自身使用线程作为 key检索对应的属性字典、再使用属性名作为key检索属性值的细节。

01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
04 local = threading.local()
05 local.tname = 'main'
07 def func():
08     local.tname = 'notmain'
09     print local.tname
11 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)
12 t1.start()
13 t1.join()
15 print local.tname



01 # encoding: UTF-8
02 import threading
04 alist = None
05 condition = threading.Condition()
07 def doSet():
08     if condition.acquire():
09         while alist is None:
10             condition.wait()
11         for in range(len(alist))[::-1]:
12             alist[i] = 1
13         condition.release()
15 def doPrint():
16     if condition.acquire():
17         while alist is None:
18             condition.wait()
19         for in alist:
20             print i,
21         print
22         condition.release()
24 def doCreate():
25     global alist
26     if condition.acquire():
27         if alist is None:
28             alist = [0 for in range(10)]
29             condition.notifyAll()
30         condition.release()
32 tset = threading.Thread(target=doSet,name='tset')
33 tprint = threading.Thread(target=doPrint,name='tprint')
34 tcreate = threading.Thread(target=doCreate,name='tcreate')
35 tset.start()
36 tprint.start()
37 tcreate.start()

Semi-annual Report

I couldn’t remember when is the last time I’ve linked to this blog. I miss space’s simple and clear style, yet you can still see the background when typing in, whereas WordPress is a pure editing tool. Needless to mention, I doubt I would just concentrate on the writing while distracted by the many links around my editing page. Even though the beginning of 2010 seems like yesterday to me, I still have to browse my blogs in the first half of the year to gather my memories. So I think writing blogs or journals is a necessity when one grows old.

I finally managed to come back home this summer. I wondered if my parents would still recognize me. Mom’s first few words after her inspection of me were:” you looked like you’ve been drinking a lot of coffee.” How on earth did she know! She indeed looked much younger. Dad looked aged more than her, yet still energetic, as he usually was. Not before long I was told grandpa was ill in hospital. I knew that my uncle’s family hadn’t been taking care of him, even if grandpa was such a proud person who wouldn’t want to be a burden to others. But leaving him in pain at home while busy with their own ‘business’, I don’t think I’ll ever forgive them for that– actually, mark this. Not only because they treated my grandpa 50 times worse as he treated him, but also because they’ve made such a strong man so sad.  Grandpa suddenly turned to such a pessimistic person that I barely knew him. He told me this is fate, everything is determined by one’s personality. I told him one could still change his living condition if he tries, change his personality if he wishes. But yeah, grandpa is too nice/stubborn not to care about others but himself. He still took care of my cousin when he got back from hospital. At their living room, I lost my temper and ordered my cousin to buy fruits for grandpa instead of fixing himself in front of his computer. Sigh, he was such a sweet little boy 12 years ago, what has changed him? Mom and Dad could only cooked some nutrient meal and brought to grandpa with me worrying if he would eat them all or just save it for my cousin. Every time I watched him eating, wishing he could turn back into that old man with fast and steady pace, loud optimistic laughters, and a careless impish smile like a child, who gardens in his square of whatever wild grass he collected from who knows where, who collects we call junks but door bells, components in the radio or his web-like electronic workstations. But my wishes hadn’t realized when I left home again, even that my visa to the USA was delayed which granted me more days at home.

In the first few days at home, I got very grumpy and judged everything around me. I felt Mom was actually picturing me as those bad-mannered vulgar people returned from oversea. I couldn’t defend myself.  Yeah, I hate everyone drives crazy on the road as if the lines are invisible, I hate the drivers seldom stop for pedestrians around the zebra-crossing lines that I learned to put myself in front of those cars bravely so I get to cross the road, I hate my parents regulate my coffee in the morning, I hate my elder relatives keep on asking me eating more and I will then really eat a lot to please them, I hate the most while a golden retriever with its master missing was hit on the bridge with a group of people gathered discussing the news while nobody moves. Of course, I also hate to see the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. But while I was in Chengdu fussing for my visa appointment, an kind woman gave me a good lesson. While I was in the train station registering my luggage pushed around the crowds, I got upset and decided to put my luggage on the top of the shelf.  The woman in charge of the registration said, ” Little sister (and Sichuan is the only province where I don’t feel offended being called sister), you can put it at the lower layer so it’s easy to get out later.” Being trained so skeptical about stranger’s nice motive, I blurted without thinking:” No, you just want me to put it there because you are worried the shelves will be occupied soon. I can put it wherever I want!” She didn’t get angry at the rude me, instead, she smiled and said:” Sister, you can put it anywhere, and it doesn’t  matter where you put it, as long as you feel right with a good mood when you do things.” I felt so ashamed. She reminded me most of my nice compatriots I’ve known before, no matter if they suddenly became so cheeky calling strangers ‘handsome’ or ‘beauty’ on the streets or shops in order to get a good deal, no matter if they are struggling for survival and house dreams while becoming a bit cynical and snobbish. Deep down they are still the same people who believe that kindness will be rewarded in the world. At least I hope they are.

At home, I found myself not guilty for taking time off just enjoying pure thinking or idling. In the morning, I read ‘useless’ philosophical books while sipping my limited amount of coffee. At lunch, I brought my grandpa meal hoping he would eat more under my order. In the afternoon, I jogged to the valley I used to hang around in summer when I was a little girl, it is a busy bridge now. I stayed on the bridge watching the trains coming from afar in the mountains one by one, just like the first time grandpa has showed me that long long huge black dragon. At night, the trains looks much more beautiful with lights brightly illuminated inside each carriage,where I know too well, with people talking and playing cards with each other, friends or strangers. Each time I walked with Mom on this bridge, I’d unconsciously lingered longer towards the trains direction. Mom understandingly asked me if i was watching the trains. Yes, she always knew me, I’m still the little girl of hers. In the evening, I went to learn badminton from my teacher and practice. I tried really hard for Dad’s sarcastic words for motivation. And at the end of the day, oops, I seemed to forgot my work again. Days like this didn’t last long, maybe it started too late as I settled down from visa appointments. Soon I got my visa and jumped on the airplane bringing me back to the USA.

I started to pick up my work as soon I came back — why is America such a place that makes one only want to work? Jet lag, the heat, sudden change to abysmal food, I became helplessly sick after a pointless business trip to VT. In my two days lying in bed contemplation, I decided to slow down (though I’m slow enough) in future before I kill myself. So I went on working on a project for pure interests when I recovered. And when my advisor asked me about the demo for the conference 2 weeks later, I was so relaxed and still thinking it a very far deadline. This attitude obviously pissed everyone off, though they don’t need to provide anything for the demo nor suggestion. But I wondered if I wasn’t so relaxed, could I come up with practical ideas to solve the practical issues in the demo, such as, a tennis grip and a elastic Velcro method to secure the mounting instead of whatever junk they were using or complicated algorithm they were trying to come up.

In San Diego,  I met with my old friends with their cute little girl. She’s growing more and more beautiful and understanding now. A perfect kid, sweet and smart, makes one wants to protect and love her naturally. I wish I could visit them this year again. Sister Yuanyan’s new home is located in San Diego now, yet I haven’t got any chance to see her little baby girl. I think that means another trip to San Diego in 2011 for sure.  The conference has a 8:00am – 8:00pm schedule with refreshments served time to time, and also, some big names’ big talks. The guy from FDA actually scares me, instead of talking about regulation rules that everyone cares, he spent one hour showing his too reduced slides–by which I mean, black background with one big white word in Helvetica talking about ‘future, innovation, thinking ahead…’, is that the department I should trust to examine food and pills I take?  In the demo time, I became an adept salesperson, running around introducing our demo. By the way, the demo wasn’t the best demo though it was definitely the coolest and most popular one. My dear lab-mates are great helpers too, except I don’t get why they can keep on drinking at the hotel bar after returning from outside bars. One night with them in a Mexican bar, I’ve had the cheesiest cheese fries in the world. It makes me doubt if San Diego would be a city I’d like to live in, though I’m sure there will be a lot of places I ought to see except the zoo and the sea.

Returning from the conference, I started to organize my thoughts — of course, after such an exciting conference. Remaining work such as electronic measurement system noise and error characterization (undone but should have been done by the guys who developed the board), gait event-classification, gait identification etc etc, all could lead to dissertation. I’m dreaming about my proposal then. Speaking of which, I realized I hadn’t passed my qualifying exam yet, so I settled a date with 3 of chosen professors, meeting them in December to get the PhD student title. In the days of preparing my qualifying exam, I avoided the noisy lab, sitting back and thinking about the fundamental concepts. And I passed it with a trip over one fundamental DSP question (shame on myself, but I feel there’s never a deep understanding of DSP, every time I review a concept, indeed, it’s different). Anyhow, I think the holiday desserts I prepared might have helped me to pass it, I’m still doubting my quality as a PhD student, I knew I could do better. But that’s for 2011, I have enjoyed a nice drinking night with my friends to call it an symbolic ending event for 2010.

Some writings

Though with a thousand of ‘No’s in my heart, I still went to this recommendatory English for the Second Language class imposed to me. Luckily I had a fun teacher and learned something.

A multicultural and multilingual society is a much healthier society than a one race one language society.”

At the first glance, this statement may seem true. In a modern society, it is a universal belief that a highly diversified society is healthier and provides better opportunity for human development. However, even with the general truth behind this almost self-evident statement, we should still revisit and re-evaluate it in a scientific way. It is difficult to provide a quantitative measure for identifying how healthy a society is. Generally speaking, a healthy society means a fair, free and humanistic society which provides its people equal rights and opportunity to develop and itself opportunity to become more prosperous.

History has shown diversity will improve and propel a society for better advancement. Take China for example, the paramount of its federalism dynasty, Tang, was the most open and diversified period in its history. During Tang period, the emperors encouraged and welcomed the immigrants from all over the world, to study, research and exchange ideologies, trade, reside and intermarry in China.  After Tang dynasty, the emperors of China took the more conservative routes and closed its door to other nations and stopped from learning from other nations. This policy had become to the extreme in Qing dynasty. The Qing Empire declined and fell hard inevitably, not long after living in the dream of being the top of the world. The USA is another good example for being a successful multicultural and multilingual society. Since its establishment, the US government has encouraged immigrations and received great results.  The diverse races, nationalities and cultures from all over the world has injected the motivation and vibe to propel its development, based on the “Everyone is born equal” creed they believe.

But the distinction between different races and cultures in one society has also created unpleasant stories. In New York City, where can be considered the most diversified place in the USA, the fights between different racial gangsters perform every day.  Less extremely but not negligible, the partial favor to one’s own race in competition is also a prevailing phenomenon. The miscommunications and misunderstandings between different cultures and language speakers may escalate to a situation that the law and policy enforcement to guarantee the peace could become very tedious to make the society very inefficient. In my opinion, there should be a balance of the diversity in a society to assure the healthiness. That being said, however, extreme advocates of single race single language, such as the inhumane purgatory of other races and nationalities inside one society, should never be tolerated by the world. Those extremes of single race conservative ideas had created too many miserable memories in the world history.

Additional instructor’s comments about your submission


You set up your argument really well i the first paragraph. This was really good! As usual, you make a lot of really great points. I don’t have the crossout feature on the computer I am using, so I just highlighted words below if I deleted a word before them… So I hope my suggestions make sense! Anyway, nice job.


At first glance, this statement may seem true. In a modern society, it is a universal belief that a highly diversified society is healthier and provides better opportunity for human development. However, even with the general truth behind this almost self-evident statement, we should still revisit and re-evaluate it in a scientific way. It is difficult to provide a quantitative measure for identifying how healthy a society is. Generally speaking, a healthy society means a fair, free and humanistic society which provides its people equal rights and opportunity to develop and itself opportunity to become more prosperous.

History has shown diversity will improve and propel a society for better advancement. Take China for example, the paramount of its federalism dynasty, Tang, was the most open and diversified period in its history. During the Tang period, the emperors encouraged and welcomed the immigrants from all over the world, to study, research and exchange ideologies, trade, reside and intermarry in China.  After the Tang dynasty, the emperors of China took the more conservative routes and closed its doors to other nations and stopped learning from other nations. This policy had become extreme in the Qing dynasty. The Qing Empire declined and fell hard inevitably, not long after living in the dream of being the top of the world.

The USA is another good example for being a successful multicultural and multilingual society. Since its establishment, the US government has encouraged immigrations and received great results.  Diverse races, nationalities and cultures from all over the world have injected the motivation and vibe to propel its development, based on the “Everyone is born equal” creed they believe.

But the distinction between different races and cultures in one society has also created unpleasant stories. In New York City, which can be considered the most diversified place in the USA, fights between different racial gangsters happen every day.  Less extremely but not negligible, the partial favor to one’s own race in competition is also a prevailing phenomenon. The miscommunication and misunderstandings between different cultures and language speakers may escalate to a situation that requires the law and policy enforcement to guarantee the peace, whichcould become very tedious and make the society very inefficient. In my opinion, there should be a balance of diversity in a society to assure its healthiness. That being said, however, extreme advocates of single race single language, such as the inhumane purgatory of other races (*Do you mean ‘ethnic genocide’?) and nationalities inside one society, should never be tolerated by the world. Those extremes of single race conservative ideas have created too many miserable memories in world history.

Gait analysis, which means the study of animal locomotion, esp. of human beings, has been an established research area for various medical and healthcare diagnoses. In orthopedics and prosthetics, gait analysis is essential to identify the pathology and assess the efficacy of the orthopedic assistant or prosthetics prescribed. For example, the efficacy of Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) usually prescribed to cerebral palsy (CP) patients, remains unclear. In study on osteoarthritis, knee surgery recovery and rehabilitation, gait analysis focusing on knee joints angle is the key to evaluate the treatment. Studies on recovery and rehabilitation from knee surgery have shown that gait analysis focusing on knee joint angles is the key to evaluating the efficacy of treatment. In elderly healthcare, gait analysis has also played an important role in studies of fall risks and fall preventions, in reason that falls can worsen the health situation of, or be detrimental to the aged population. Even in cognitive and neuropsychology studies, gait analysis becomes an important parameter because of the close relation between human cognitive skills and motor function. For example, some researchers have shown the research value of gait analysis in Parkinson disease and early childhood autism diagnosis, respectively.

The quality of gait research can highly depends on the tools used in the gait analysis. Initially, gait analysis was mainly relied on observation by eyes, later with augmented tools such as camera with capability of continuous picture capturing. Such gait analysis are only limited to the qualitative level from the non-quantitative tools, which fail to provide further information in discriminate the nuances in gaits that vary slightly different. Today, optical motion capturing system, which tracks the spatial position of body segments by infrared camera, provides highly accurate data for gait research. However, while many gait analysis requires natural environment, out-of-lab use, such optical motion capturing system can be expensive and limited to in-lab use. More recently, the development of on-body wearable inertial sensor enables gait analysis to be realized in real-world. With MEMS technology, these motion sensors can be made in a very small form factor and be wearable to human body with less invasiveness.

Additional instructor’s comments about your submission


Nice clarification in the first sentence and good beginning. I think you may have repeated or forgotten to edit out a sentence in the middle of the first paragraph. There are just a few suggestions below. This is really interesting! I didn’t know you were interested in things like this.


Gait analysis, which means the study of animal locomotion, esp. of human beings, has been an established research area for various medical and healthcare diagnoses. In orthopedics and prosthetics, gait analysis is essential to identify the pathology and assess the efficacy of the orthopedic assistant or prosthetics prescribed. For example, the efficacy of Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) usually prescribed to cerebral palsy (CP) patients, remains unclear. In studies on osteoarthritis, knee surgery recovery and rehabilitation, gait analysis focusing on knee joints angle is the key to evaluating the treatment. Studies on recovery and rehabilitation from knee surgery have shown that gait analysis focusing on knee joint angles is the key to evaluating the efficacy of treatment.(*Is this the same piece from the sentence before?) In elderly healthcare, gait analysis has also played an important role in studies of fall risks and fall preventions, in reason that falls can worsen the health situation of, or be detrimental to the aged population. Even in cognitive and neuropsychology studies, gait analysis becomes an important parameter because of the close relationship between human cognitive skills and motor functions. For example, some researchers have shown the research value of gait analysis in Parkinson’s Disease and early childhood autism diagnosis, respectively.

The quality of gait research can highly depends on the tools used in the gait analysis. Initially, gait analysis was mainly relied on visual observation by eyes, later with augmented tools such as a camera with capability of continuous picture capturing. Such gait analysis are only limited to the qualitative level from the non-quantitative tools, which fail to provide further information in discriminating between nuances in gaits that vary slightly different. Today, optical motion capturing systems, which tracks the spatial position of body segments by infrared camera, provideshighly accurate data for gait research. However, while much gait analysis requires a natural environment, out-of-lab use, such an optical motion capturing system can be expensive and limited to in-lab use. More recently, the development of an on-body, wearable, inertial sensor enables gait analysis to be realized in the real-world. With MEMS technology, these motion sensors can be made in a very small form factor and be worn on the human body with less invasiveness.

What is your heritage?

When heritage is brought up in a conversation, I always wonder what exactly it is to represent my country. For a Chinese, this word has infinite interpretations. However, the first thing comes to my mind is always Chinese food, which usually foster each Chinese’s appetite she/he can never get rid of in his/her whole life.  Generally speaking, Chinese base their staple food on rice and noodles, with countless kinds of dishes they’ve created and inherited since they mastered the usage of fire.  It is mission impossible to identify some certain types of food to represent Chinese food. However, there is a stereotype that people in the North tend to favor saltier taste food, Southeast sweet, Southwest spicy and West sour. One can only know what Chinese food is when she/he visits China.

Ideology also says a lot about a nation. For China, it is a mixture of the traditional philosophies, contemporary communism and influence from other countries. It takes a while to explain this complicated matter.  The traditional ideology was also a mixture of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Confucianism was the most dominating mainstream philosophy rooted in every Chinese’s heart, while Taoism can be considered as the primitive ancient Chinese metaphysics to explain the world. Both Confucianism and Taoism were born natively in China, whereas Buddhism was imported from India. Though the fact Buddhism was originally a foreign religion didn’t prevent Chinese people’s adopting nature to tailor to their own pleasure. The mixture of Taoism and Buddhism is usually referred as Zen. I don’t have the level to show the depth of Zen, I can just say every ancient Chinese intellect had studied Zen in their life. Since the establishment of the New China, communism has been adopted for the national ideology.  This ideology has been serving as the beautiful belief of this nation for more than half a century, however, it is under heavy influence of western culture and the foundation of this belief has begun shaken.  Some still hold communism belief and some don’t. Nevertheless, the desire of pursuing a happy life is the same to every Chinese with the idea of Confucianism they’ve never given up.

Cultural traditions such as festivals and rituals are also conversed a lot when talking about China. I’m fascinated about traditional festivals because of every festival has a enchanting mythology behind it. Of course, the special food associated with these festivals cannot be omitted for the charm of these festivals. Several major festivals include Spring Festival to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Day in memory of a great poet Qu Yuan, Mid-autumn Day to celebrate the harvest and family get-together (kind of sounds like Halloween and Thanksgiving), with delicious food as dumpling, Zongzi and Mooncake associated with each festival respectively.

Additional instructor’s comments about your submission

This is great! I think it’s also interesting how many other countries try to recreate what they call “Chinese food” and never seem to get it quite right. I have only really had food from Taiwan, but I wish I was more familiar with the mainland food.

China’s history and heritage is also very fascinating to me. The country has held on to powerful beliefs such as Buddhism and Confuscian ideology and seems to have an interesting mix now. Thanks for sharing!! I really enjoyed it. I made some corrections in blue so you can compare with the original.


What is your heritage?

When heritage is brought up in a conversation, I always wonder what exactly it is to represent my country. For a Chinese, this word has infinite interpretations. However, the first thing comes to my mind is always Chinese food, which usually fosters each Chinese’s person’s appetite which she/he can never get rid of in his/her whole life.  Generally speaking, Chinese base their staple food on rice and noodles, with countless kinds of dishes they’ve created and inherited since they mastered the usage of fire.  It is mission impossible to identify some certain types of food to represent Chinese food. However, there is a stereotype that people in the North tend to favor saltier taste food, Southeast sweet, Southwest spicy and West sour. One can only know what Chinese food is when she/he visits China.

Ideology also says a lot about a nation. For China, it is a mixture of the traditional philosophies, contemporary communism and influence from other countries. It takes a while to explain this complicated matter.  The traditional ideology was also a mixture of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Confucianism was the most dominating mainstream philosophy rooted in every Chinese’s heart, while Taoism can be considered as the primitive ancient Chinese metaphysicsused to explain the world. Both Confucianism and Taoism were born natively in China, whereas Buddhism was imported from India. Though the fact that Buddhism was originally a foreign religion didn’t prevent Chinese people’s adopting nature to tailor it to their own pleasure. The mixture of Taoism and Buddhism is usually referred as Zen. I don’t have the level to show the depth of Zen, I can just say every ancient Chinese intellect had studied Zen in their life. Since the establishment of the New China, communism has been adopted for the national ideology.  This ideology has been serving as the beautiful belief of this nation for more than half a century, however, it is under heavy influence of western culture and the foundation of this belief has begun to shake. Some still hold communist beliefs and some don’t. Nevertheless, the desire of pursuing a happy life is the same to every Chinese with the idea of Confucianism they’ve never given up.

Cultural traditions such as festivals and rituals are also conversed a lot when talking about China. I’m fascinated about traditional festivals because of every festival has an enchanting mythology behind it. Of course, the special food associated with these festivals cannot be omitted for the charm of these festivals. Several major festivals include Spring Festival to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Day in memory of a great poet Qu Yuan, Mid-

Great opening sentence! However, it isn’t clear if it has caught the attention of German society or the international society. Also, Neo-Nazi should be capitalized. J  “Neo-Nazi” is either used as an adjective or a single person, where “Neo-Nazism” is the movement.

I have highlighted mistakes and places where it sounds a little awkward. Although it may seem unnecessary, you also need to explain why Nazism was bad and what the implications are of a rise in a Neo-Nazi mentality or movement. In other words, make the problem clear from the beginning.

I really like the perspective you give. You seem to have good insight into this problem. You just have a few problems with some of the work forms.

Suggested Grade: A-

Though appearing to be a global phenomenon, the rise of neo-nazi in Germany has increasingly caught the attention of society. It is a political extreme attempting to justify the historical impact of Nazism and revive the Nazism. Inheriting the Nazism ideology of World War II, neo-nazists seek opportunities to convene in the form of public movements, causing stirs in German society or even globally.

To solve this social issue, further investigation on the reason behind this phenomenon is needed. It is interesting to notice that although with intense emphasis on “denazification” in the retrospect to their war crime in Germany after World War II, the neo-nazism becomes popular among the young German generations, gaining a considerable amount of followers in East Germany.  This is partially because the former Nazi remembers retained their ideology and beliefs and passed it to the new generation. To prevent the rise of ht e neo-nazi trend, a possible solution is to launch and enforce strict laws and policies. However, in fact, the German government does enact strict laws to prohibit the neo-nazi movement without desirable outcome. From my perspective, I highly doubt that stricter laws would be more effective. I think new education ideas in humanistic should be discussed and developed to educate the young generations. Meanwhile, since this is a worldwide issue residing in the wide divide between people with different religions, nationalities, and various cultural backgrounds, a global dialogue on such matter should be initialized as a worldwide movement, discussed  not only by academia and politic elites, but also by the general public.

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